Thursday, July 30, 2020

Zippy Zippers

Here are a handful of zippers that I squeezed in while making postage stamp blocks. And you can see that I'm also squeezing them onto the edge of the design wall to take their picture.

August is Molly and Buddy's birthday month. As free range kittens, they didn't keep an exact record of the time and place of their birth, so we approximate and celebrate for the entire month of August. And yesterday, they opened some presents early so they could warm up a bit. You wouldn't want to go into your birthday month cold and risk an injury.

This also means that Molly is getting excited for the beginning of the month scrap giveaway/curated free table. She wants to clear out some fabric to make room for all the new toys she is expecting. (Aside: And what if she gets fabric for her birthday?).

So the signup will be on the August 1 post and will close on August 4.


gayle said...

I think Molly should absolutely get fabric for her birthday. And catnip.

Cathy said...

Oh, I hope those kittens of yours have a very happy birthday month. Are they six now? Or five? Darla and Alfie turned 7 in May, and I know they’re a bit older. I made one zipper this week that matches your upper left one (from the scraps you sent), but it has different accent squares. will Molly and Buddy get a Rosie the Rat toy? (Or do they already have one?)