Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Buddy Hummingbird

Here is Buddy's version of the hummingbird. Hummingbird Deconstructed or some such.

As revenge, I made a hummingbird out of cat toys. Buddy gets upset when I dig through his cat toys. He whines in a high pitch.

Meanwhile, I wonder if I'm the only one who finds social isolation a bit crowded? The "sanitation engineers" keep showing up saying I need a thorough cleaning, a stern lecture, and/or weighted blanket treatment...where the weighted blanket is a sanitation engineer.


gayle said...

Yeah, my sanitation engineer is going for the weighted blanket application, too. And apparently he thinks I don't wash my hands often enough, so he keeps 'sanitizing' them. Which makes me go wash them, so I guess it's working...

Magpie Sue said...

So glad I can count on you (and your sanitation engineers) for a morning chuckle. :-)

QuiltGranma said...

is the sanitation engineer your husband, or your cat(s)? Love that Buddy boy!