Thursday, November 10, 2022

More Spooling Around

 Today some single spools paired off, while some pairs became foursomes. And now that I see this picture, I realize I need to extract the red stripe spool with the gray background (bottom left) because its easier to remove now than later.

These are the single spools still looking for a friend.

In other news, Sheepish (the sheep quilt) won second place, viewers' choice (in its category) at the Clark County Quilt Show. I told the sheep it did not beHOOF them to BrAAAAg, but they all pretended not to hear me. (If you suspect that a pickle dish quilt won first prize in the same category, you would be right.)


Susan said...

Congratulations on the second place win in the quilt show.

Julia G said...

Congrats! I love your Sheepish quilt.

gayle said...

In my heart, sheep are always the winners. Yours are especially inspiring!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Those spool blocks always make me smile. I just love sheep, don't know why. Just love looking at them.

Cathy said...

Congrats on the second place win! Alfie and Darla insist that pickle dish quilts don’t count so they’d like to congratulate you on your first place win.