Thursday, November 17, 2022

On the Light Side

Here are some more light spools I made to match up with more spools of medium value. Okay, a few dark value spools too.

Meanwhile, I have been spending time cleaning up the backyard garden. I admit to neglecting it when it transitioned from a shade garden to a very sunny and sometimes overly hot garden. And with a strong nod toward metaphor, most of the plants/weeds that I am trying to clear out are loaded with thorns: blackberries, holly, thistle and a couple out of control roses. To prove the point, there was a baby thorned honey locust...that I had to look up because I have never seen a sapling with such evil intent. When I went inside to tell my cats, they just chewed on their claws with their fangs.


Susan said...

I remember when we had to tear out holly bushes that were here when we moved into this house. We get thistles quite frequently when it is hot. Seems like it doesn't matter how thick the gloves I wear are, they still get through. At least one can eat blackberries and roses are pretty (usually), but I sometimes wonder if it is worth keeping them because of the thorns. At least the spools don't have thorns.

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

I can sympathize with the removal of plants with thorns. It really does give the hands a good poking. If I'm going to get my hands poked, I'd much rather it be with a needle and thread. Those spools look fantastic! I'm looking forward to seeing how you assemble them all. Happy quilting! -Andrea

gayle said...

You're going to need a "Not a Pincushion' tee shirt with that lot lurking around you. Ouch!
Will your backing for the microspools quilt consist of one giant spool block?

Cathy said...

Good luck getting rid of the holly! I’ve been trying for almost 18 years to get rid of ours. Today was the first time I was ever glad some of it was growing; I foraged all sorts of items from the yard (hydrangea clusters, leaves, holly, echinacea seed heads, berries, grasses cypress, etc) and made a woodland-look arrangement for the week.