Monday, November 14, 2022

Not so Tiny After All Spools

 Yes, this photo has a yellow cast...and I either have to set up better lighting or sew earlier in the day to take photos during the day. In any case, while I was busy fussing with pairing off the last piles of single spools, the four patches got together to form eight patches.

And I have to apologize because I have been referring to these as microspools when they are a whopping 1.5 inches finished. Definitely not worthy of the term micro. In his book The Anthropocene Reviewed, John Green begins his chapter on Viral Meningitis:  "I find it difficult to grasp the size of viruses. As individuals, they are tiny. A red blood cell is about a thousand times bigger than a Sars COV-2 virus. But as a group, viruses are unfathomably numerous, There are about ten million viruses in a single drop of sea water."

If you would like to see some real micro quilting, please enjoy Alex Anderson's interview with Amy Pabst on YouTube:


Raewyn said...

Hehe still pretty micro though! And looking good regardless of their size!

Susan said...

There is no way my sewing machine would let me sew something that small unless I was affixing it to a foundation. I would say the term micro is relative, so you can call your spools micro without any guilt.