Saturday, December 28, 2019


Yes, my scrap bins are finally organized. I should have taken a before picture, but it was way too embarrassing. The greens have moved to a separate organizer along with the Kaffe and batik scraps.

Here are some microspools. As you can see, the sheep are still pinned to the design wall. Everyday, Molly takes a run at the design wall and pulls one down.

And here is the cover I use on my sewing machine. The goal is to keep Molly from grabbing the thread off the spool and eating it. Unfortunately, I noticed her sneak under it and enjoy being naughty in secrecy.


Cathy said...

Molly is going to make Santa’s 2020 Naughty List if she doesn’t mend her ways. Darla has been ignoring my sewing studio in favor of sneaking into Bruce’s lab where she can play with all the cat toys there, like resistors, capacitors, and plastic bits that she can knock to the floor.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

My kitties would love those open storage carts for napping - why I keep my scraps in enclosed totes. No thread chewers here, but Bella loves the seam ripper. Moe will heat the heads off the plastic flower pins - so those are boxed instead of in a pincushion now.

Barbara said...

I let the kitties organize my scraps, which is why they look the way they do...the kitties, not the scraps. All scrappy and thready. They used some of the scraps to make a banner which they’ve requested be attached to the top of the RV with a flag pole. It says “Help...we’re being held against our will.”

Quilter Kathy said...

Ooooooo so beautiful! I love organization but lack the skills or interest!

Crystal_235 said...

I love your carts! I have a hard time keeping organized.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Wow!!! That organization looks great!!

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh just look at those well organized scrap bins! Boy do I now cringe as I sit here looking at my small tubs which are totally dis-organized. I feel a New Year tidy up coming on.

MissPat said...

So do you organize scraps strictly by color mixing strips, squares and chunks in one bin? I think my real problem is that I need to get rid of more scraps instead of finding ways to store and retrieve them.

Linda in Arkansas said...

HAHAHA about Molly! What a clever little girl. Great job on getting those scraps tamed.

gayle said...

I've found that I can spend all afternoon organizing my fabric, and then five minutes later it looks like there was an explosion at a textile mill. Is Molly secretly scrambling my stash?

Frances Meredith said...

Good to see Objects is keeping busy. No Frolic for me this year, but eagerly awaiting the big reveal.