Monday, December 30, 2019

Put a Bird On It 2020

This blog began as documentation for a daily challenge and that was at the beginning of this decade.  I found a daily challenge to be a great way to generate new ideas and during that year I made the 52 small fused quilts. These gradually led to the last five years or so of animal quilts.

Also, with a daily challenge, I was a daily blogger and I would like to return to that.

The next challenge will be "Put a Bird On It" where one of twelve birds will be picked at random to become the focus for that month. Rather than use a computer to pick randomly, I chose a luddite approach...I made a hexie for each bird and will pull one out of a jar each month.

The birds of the month will be chicken, owl, penguin, parrot, woodpecker, flamingo, blue jay, pelican, puffin, hummingbird, toucan and vulture. And because I don't have vulture fabric (or can't find it), it's represented by a dead opossum, the turkey vulture's favorite food in Virginia.

And the winner for January is penguin!

I have enjoyed the comments about organization. And as a huge fan of irony, I howled when two of the most organized people on the planet commented I was too organized. I will respect their privacy, except for noting that one just posted about people coming over to sew on the first day of the Bonnie Hunter challenge and the other provided an amazing year in review with precise information on each quilt.   (Molly Kitten says the latter blog is run by a bot because it posts pictures of fake cats.)

I am showing my other storage unit of unsorted scraps that hold the greens, batiks and Kaffe scraps. I don't mind these because I can close them, and for that matter, see them. Before I cleaned up the other scrap bins, Molly and I had the following conversation:

Molly: I think there is a dead squirrel buried in that pile over there.

Me: If there were a dead squirrel, Buddy would eat it.

Molly: There is definitely a dead cat under that pile of scraps over there.

Me: Buddy will eat it eventually.

Molly: I'm positive that a burglar broke in and died and is buried in that pile over there. And I know Buddy would not eat people.

Me: Darn, now I'll have to make other funeral arrangements.

So if you haven't had a similar conversation with your cat, you do not have to worry about your scrap organization.


Sue SA said...

My uncut scraps are stuffed into boxes, stored in various places, unsorted. I dont have a cat, but there is a strong chance that something hide in the box and died - because the scraps have been neglected for such a long time!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I have conversations with my furkids, but not like that. I love the idea of the bird a month - fun play time and I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

gayle said...

I'm really looking forward to the bird-putting! (And I'm sure glad you explained about that dead possum. I have to admit that it's been a long time since I took a bio class, but I was pretty sure that possums can't fly...)

Cathy said...

Now we’ll all be on the hunt for vulture fabric for you. Darla and Alfalfa don’t really care about my scrap storage as long as they have food, a comfy bed/lap, and toys. A bird quilt (or should I say another bird quilt) with a variety of birds has been on my bucket list for a couple years. Looking forward to watching you!

Susan said...

I hope Buddy doesn't eat the birds you make.

Barbara said...

Sadie and Smitty think you should put a dodo bird on your quilt...fake cats, indeed.

Vicki W said...

I'll happily accept the opossum to represent my favorite bird!

QuiltGranma said...

well, there was that quilt with kitties quilting on it, and then the two pawtraits. perhaps those are the fake cats Molly was talking about?