Thursday, September 28, 2023

Allotted Time

 This is how far I got making the seahorse border. According to my accounting, this should be enough to border the quilt. That said, it doesn't look like it will be enough, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to discover what mistake I made.

I was lucky Molly allowed me to use her chair for as long as she did. 

Meanwhile I would like to mention something that you may have noticed during "the gap" that I didn't. Comments to the blog made ten days after the post wait for moderation. I do not receive an email for those comments and see none of them unless I'm looking at the blog...which I didn't do during the gap. So I must admit to having a guilt-free gap, but am now feeling retrospective guilt. I started the moderation to keep out spam that gets attached to older posts. That, at least, did work.


Dawn Sharafi said...

What a beautiful border! I missed you for a long time. Where have you been?

gayle said...

I'm sure there's a word for "retrospective guilt." Probably in German.
Molly is wearing her long-suffering face in that picture. She really does rock that look.