Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Ever So Slowly

I finally took the seahorses down from the design wall, gave them another pressing and added the blue border around the quilt. One issue that slowed this quilt down initially was that I ran out of the fabric that is the background for the seahorses. Happily, the new border fabric blends in well enough. I have also been stringing the chips/seahorse ears into long border pieces...but have not gotten far enough to figure out that I need to make more chips.

And I hope you don't mind a bit of bragging because sometimes I have brilliant ideas. In particular, I decided that rainbow fabric (distinct colors) should come back into the sewing room while the batiks, multicolor fabric and quilt backs could move out. Unfortunately, the one with the brilliant ideas is not an expert at implementation, and I am left dodging piles of fabric that have not yet found their way home.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Well, the fabric will all make it to their assigned spots. Wonderful seahorses!

Anonymous said...

My house is in similar flux. Definitely Tetris. Books in MBR moved to LR. Mr Technician helped move three bookcases into Sewing Rm to house fabric. I have two shelves of nicely folded fabric. There are too many bags of “To be cut down” scraps; which I do intend to subdue and more easily play with. I’ve been sporadically listening to Marie Kondo’s first book; finding good tips. But I definitely don’t feel led to declutter her way. Stuff has gone byebye:) And there’s better creativity now.

gayle said...

Oh, yes. Brilliant ideas. They bite us on the butt so often, don't they?