Monday, September 25, 2023


 My plan for today was to sew the border on the seahorse quilt, but Molly said no. 

Then we had to have a mind numbing discussion about which is her best side...and no I didn't fall for it and I told her she only has best sides...360 degrees. But she still wouldn't let me work on the border.

So now I have to admit to being distracted by a squirrel...that is, many squirrels, all disguised as silk ties. I thought I could pick them up at Goodwill, but they were too expensive, so I bought a "mystery box" on eBay...(all silk, no polyester). Similar to taking apart cotton shirts, these are fun to deconstruct. For processing, they are first attacked by Buddy as they come out of the box. Molly joins in. Then they go in "lingerie" bags, then into the washing machine. Then I hang them to dry. And yes, there is one more attack by Buddy before I take a seam ripper to them. After this I will iron on an ultra featherweight interfacing...

As would be expected from a mystery box, there are dog ties, both literally and figuratively. This one will be used for experimentation. 


gayle said...

Not just a dog - a dog and a duck. This is truly eerie.

cbott said...

Not merely a duck. A Wood Duck. A wood Wood Duck.

How much wood would a Wood Duck duck
if a Wood duck could duck wood?


Linda Swanekamp said...

Good to see Molly allowed you back! Rosie and I were worried that the two took over possession of your computer and stash. I think I would have to go through a mind altering experience to want to deconstruct ties. Hope you have a good time doing it.