Saturday, September 30, 2023

Patchwork Gridlock

Admittedly many quilters worry about starting too many quilts and focus on finishing WIPs, UFOs and CATs. They fear quilt gridlock without realizing that adding a new project to gridlock doesn't really change anything. In any case, this post is not about's about starting a new quilt called Gridlock.

I have wanted to make this quilt after seeing the amazing quilt Wanda at Exuberant Color made using Marcia Derse fabric. You can see Wanda in the process of making it here:

You can see her finished quilt here:

The original Gridlock quilt was made by Liza Prior Lucy for Kaffe Fassett and various versions are featured in three of his quilt books and in a knitting book.

For my version, I want to feature the quilt collection Root by e bond, adding some like-minded fabric from my stash.

And speaking of grids, the original quilt versions of Gridlock feature a 4 inch finished center with the final quilt block finishing at 12 inches. I am incapable of making a 12 inch block. I cannot work with a 4.5 inch square of fabric. But then, sometimes it is good to work outside of our comfort zones. So I am going to attempt to use a humongous center that finishes at 3 inches and blocks that finish at 9 inches. 


Anonymous said...

I’m familiar with WIPs and UFOs, and even PHDs, but what are CATs, please?
Pauline in South Oz

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have some of that fabric too and have been trying to decide what to make with it. Thanks for the links to my quilt. That was SO MUCH FUN to make.

I have a suggestion though for you. Since the scale of the design in the fabric is so large I think you should consider the 12" blocks. I can't wait to see the first block you pressure...I'm just excited to see that fabric cut up.

gayle said...

I hear you on that small block comfort zone. Anything bigger than a 6" block seems like a circus tent to me.
I used to worry about having too many quilt starts, but gave that up about 413 WIPs ago...

Linda Swanekamp said...

I love little blocks. Little jewels of delight. I do not think my mind could wrap around sewing Gridlock. Wow that is a lot direction changes. Love the fabric you have picked out. I look forward to seeing your progress.

cbott said...

To anonymous: CATS are those furballs who know, just KNOW when you're struggling with too much fabric on a too-small cutting surface, and jump up to add their "help".

That's my definition, anyway!


Mystic Quilter said...

Looking forward to seeing your rendition of Gridlock!

Jean said...

Sally, I'm so enjoying your return to blogging. I've missed your tiny block madness and the kitties. If I'm lucky enough to be a fabric recipient, my absolute favorite is theme fabric but I'd be delighted with any surprise package at all. Thanks for having a give away, because one can never have too much fabric!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Carolyn for the explanation of CATS. Not going to happen in my sewing room - we travel too often in our caravan to have four-legged pets. My sewing goes with me, though, so atm I have a ridiculous number of quilt tops waiting for actual quilting and finishing off, hanging in a wardrobe with 2BQ labels. After Christmas…..🤞
Pauline in South Oz.