Friday, October 18, 2019

We're Baa...Baa...Baack.

If you pretend this is last Saturday, this would be my contribution to the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge. Please do not adjust your monitor colors. Although this sheep is lime green, she is Polly from Portland and may look a bit gray because it is that time of year...

Here is Polly from Portland with her friend Pauli from California.

I should also apologize for my long absence from this blog. I have been in staff meetings all week. Molly would like me to explain that a staff meeting is me hiding under covers reading. I have to hide under the covers to keep Molly from swiping at the screen to change the view from text to birds on YouTube.

Meanwhile Buddy has been busy designing the perfect layout for the pinwheel blocks. He obviously thought my layout lacked balance and creativity. He has also brought his best friends Possum and Feather Toy to help him. These are two toys that he likes to carry around the house. The feather toy was on a wand, and one night he planted it in the doorway to the bedroom. I tripped on it and broke it...but I was happy it didn't break me. In any case, it is much easier for him to drag around the house now.

And here is Molly's new self portrait.


Barbara said...

Molly has obviously learned that a lady should stretch one’s neck to take a good selfie. Smitty has a feather toy too. He has to purrtect it from marauding housemates names Sadie.

Katie said...

We used to buy toys on poles, too. Until the cats chewed them off. Even the metal wire one met with a cruel fate. So now we just stick to toys that never had a pole and string to begin with. I'm sure there is some sort of revenge plot going on for that, but usually I can distract them with treats or the laser mouse. But don't tell them I've outsmarted them. I'd like to live just a bit longer...perhaps to finish a few quilts? (Something I can leave to the cats as my least thry will be warm...)
The sheep are adorable and I do rather like Buddy's version of the layout. I have been instructed in similar layouts from Gabby recently..

Cathy said...

Alfie’s favorite cat toy is his little stuffed red lobster. It seems to follow him everywhere. Darla, on the other paw, prefers the turbo roller or trying to swat some sense into her brother. BTW, I love your sheepses, especially the “lime green” one.

QuiltGranma said...

I can see that fun has been going on at your house! LOL! Love the lambies, the kitties and their antics! Give them (the live furry thems) loves from me!

gayle said...

There can never be a bad picture of Molly. (Right, Molly?)
Love the lambikins and Buddy's creativity!