Here is a new set of zipper blocks. I went through my stash and identified fabrics that I wanted to use for zipper blocks...and then I matched these to the "solid" fabric I thought worked best. These matched fabrics are piled on the design floor waiting to be cut. Right now I'm working on the fabrics that share the same "solid," where solid is actually a Zen Chic Spotted.
This may seem like meager output but I just don't have as much time now that I am an essential worker...and yes, monitoring the Kitten Academy live stream is essential. Admittedly, it has no influence on the care of the kittens or any aspect of reality, but it does mean I fight a lot with Molly who prefers to watch birds on youtube. She is quite critical of Kitten Academy except she does like the toy demonstrations. And she did like the plot twist where the caretaker tried unsuccessfully to prevent the mother from moving her seven kittens. However, Molly thinks the "Kittens' eyes open at ten days" is too predictable and merely a ploy for ratings.
From the Kitten Academy twitter stream:

You can get to the Kitten Academy livestream through:
We’ve been watching the Weebops grow up practically before our eyes, too. The live stream is addicting. Darla likes laying across my lap, exposing her fuzzy polka-dot belly while I watch. I made four more zipper blocks yesterday before quilting Bubblegum Factory. I can’t wait to get the last of these quilts quilted so I can take one day just to zip and unzip my fabrics.
Love your zippers, but I'm trying to just stick with the postage blocks you've already tempted me into...
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