Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Yellow Log Cabin

 Making each log cabin block seemed to take forever until I figured out most of the time was spent figuring out which strip to use. So I sat down with the yellows and put them in bundles for each block. Much quicker. Of course, making the bundles also takes a while but much of the time lost is due to the cat infestation.


Julierose said...

hahaha--I love how these blocks are coming together...hugs, Julierose

gayle said...

And theoretically you could do the strip-choosing while being booped by cats...

Frogdancer Jones said...

I absolutely love this quilt... and I may or may not be planning to make one of my own.
My dog infestation tends to snore in the dog bed underneath the sewing table. Much easier to cope with!!