Friday, December 7, 2018

Back to Tiny Town

With this last pile of teal half-square triangles, Molly certifies that I have successfully completed Clue 2 of Bonnie Hunter's Good Fortune mystery.

And along the way I made some more mini spools (2 inches unfinished).


Katie said...

Molly looks ready to whap that pile straight to the floor...probably to better inspect your work! I wish my cats sat still long enough to capture them doing their naughty things, but even the 15-year-old knows do the naughty thing and get going before mom catches her!

gayle said...

Good thing you've got Molly to verify Buddy's counting. He's so easily distracted...

Shelina said...

It's nice to have the auditors there to verify that you have done everything. Good for you for getting them done.

Sue McQ said...

Looks like you have a Purrrrrrrrrrfect assistant!

Mystic Quilter said...

Those are minute spools Sally, love spools pattern but would need to go to a larger size. Molly looks happy to be ready to tackle Clue 3.

QuiltGranma said...

Beautifully photographed, just because Molly is there too. Miss my little furrpersons!