Monday, February 25, 2019

Micro spools micro-managed

Here is the latest set of micro spools that are 2 inch unfinished squares. And given their size, I am constantly under the delusion that they are quick to sew. This is true in terms of how many stitches each require and their apparent simplicity. However, they really are composed of discrete steps that I usually can't push through and do in one day.

For example, I often cut the background fabrics at one time. I cut two inch strips from a variety of background fabrics and then slice these into one inch lengths. I use two of these strips for each spool. Next, I will pull together some fabric to make the spools. I was going to show yellow spools for Saturday (which didn't happen) and then I had fabric from the Modern Guild's free table. These piles of scraps were cut in one session. Then I sew the four flip triangles to the background fabric...and by then my mind is wandering. The next day, I iron and snip the background bits, then sew the backgrounds to the center core. All for 1.5 inches of finished quilt.

This is definitely a winter activity...given Molly spends most of her day melted into a feline fondue in her heated bed.


Julierose said...

these are so lovely--many steps for a mini lol...I may have to try a few...i don't have a kitty to play with the spools, but i do need a border for a wool-ey kitty mini I am working on...hugs, Julierose

Linda in Arkansas said...

It's amazing that one's mind can wander even when you are having fun sewing. Sometimes, I just jump up and start the washer or some other activity. Then I can settle down again. It's nice to know the steps involved. And that your mind wanders too. I do love these spools, and the fact they are so small makes them even cuter.

Shelina said...

Micromanaging is not a good thing usually but definitely worth it for micro spools. I tend to think smaller things will be easier too. You would think I would learn through experience, but it is something that needs to be relearned over and over again for me. Your spools are coming along quite nicely and I enjoy seeing them.

Cathy said...

Micro Spools is going to be a wonderful fabric catalog to browse. Of all the fabrics in the whole wide world I think I spy 6 spools in this bunch with fabrics I have.

QuiltGranma said...

Your last line has me really cackling here! Had to read it to Hubby!