Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Fabric move

When I lived in Virginia, there was a fair amount of discussion about weather which made sense because your life might depend on it. And after some weather events there were discussions along the lines of "What was that?" And you learned the fine distinctions between tornados, microbursts, and derechos. Here in Portland, people talk about the weather constantly...especially in winter when they complain about the rain.

So yes, I am having to move my fabric to protect it from "the rain." I have been having trouble with fabric fading because "the rain" shines in from the front window and beats down on it. Plus my neighbor had some trees trimmed, and now I have "rain" shining in from the east in the morning making the fabric fade, I mean, wet. Rather than having everything draped with sheets, (I mean tarps), I am rearranging the sewing room.

You may have thought that there was less quilt related content because of the "Put a Bird On It" daily challenge and my recent obsession with parrots, but I assure you that that is the furthest thing from my mind.


Dorothy said...

Not "tarps", but BLUE tarps in the PNW. :-) Kidding; any color of tarp will do in the rainy season

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Oh no. You moved to the rain. We are moving from all those wind related "events" to a desert kind of area but not really. I'm pretty sure I'll have some kind of wind/sun/dust kind of issue with my fabric to deal with. Good luck with yours.
xx, Carol

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Oh your stash is so beautiful, especially with the rain shining on it. I'm sure it will look just as beautiful protected from the rain.

Barbara said...

Portlanders love complaining about weather of all kinds. You might notice in summer that we’ll complain about how hot it is. In spring, we’ll complain about how bright it is. We love to hate our matter what.

Dixie said...

LOL! Best Parrot yet.

gayle said...

Ah yes, parrotus spiderwebius - a fine example of the species! Well known for its preference for rain-drenched perches.

QuiltGranma said...

Coming from the extended Seattle area, of my youth, we learned to call it Liquid Sunshine.