Thursday, February 27, 2020

Peeping Parrot

And yes, as part of my research activities today, I looked up how to char a peep. It is supposedly like creme brûlée, but I don't have the equipment. If you would like an expanding mass that turns into goo, use the microwave. So I kept it simple, and plenty stupid.

Meanwhile, the bird for March will be the hummingbird. Molly had come for a snuggle, but when she saw the hummingbird on the screen, she took some time out to paw at it. Molly is planning on a performance art piece where I let a hummingbird into the house and video tape the drama that unfolds.

Back in Virginia, I didn't have to keep the hummingbird feeder filled all year, but there were so many hummingbirds I was filling several feeders everyday. Oh, and Virginia hummingbirds don't wear pink.


Angie said...

We have a feeder at our camp. One of the local hummers is super territorial and chases any other birds away from the feeder.

Cathy said...

Hey, have you ever tried Peeps jousting in the microwave? (Google it). I’m surprised that Molly let you make a parrot from bunny Peeps instead of chick Peeps. That parrot might just hop away!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

We've used up peeps making smor's. No one likes them as is, but in hot chocolate or a smor - good to go. It will be a while before hummers come Nor'east, but I do have a couple of hummer patterns that I might just pull out.

Julia G said...

I love the peeps! The Washington Post used to run an annual contest building dioramas with peeps that I absolutely loved.

gayle said...

This may be my most favorite parrot yet!
I'm looking forward to the hummies, and to Molly's performance art pieces!

QuiltGranma said...

I think somebunny is having fun making a bird a day! Molly recognizes a still of a hummingbird? Interesting!