Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Perler Love Birds

Okay, so the day got away from me. We had a quilt guild meeting last night, and my sister found a skein of yarn the color of a parrot. So today's assignment was to transform it into a parrot some how. But given time constraints, I went for the ready fallback...perler beads...a combination of fast, yet soothingly tedious. And now I am seeing the potential for a new pieced pattern that might have more potential for interesting secondary patterns than the one I showed yesterday.

Molly has offered to take the skein of yarn and turn it into a parrot that has been mangled by a cat to the point that it looks like a mangled skein of yarn.

1 comment:

gayle said...

That Molly - what a wonderful helper! Sacrificing her free time like that, just to do a favor for the staff!