Saturday, February 1, 2020

IKEA parrot

Meet IKEA parrot. Okay, he's not actually from IKEA, but conceptually its the same thing. A bit of instruction, quite a bit of doing, undoing, redoing and then a sense of relief when you don't find any extraneous bits left over.

Heading into parrot month, I realize I need to get a couple of iconic resemblances of a parrot figured out that I can then use to feed into pixelated and sculptured versions. Some things I am working out in my head...what to do about the head. Well, with a Macaw-type parrot, you are better off with a side view of the head, not straight on. And the side view for the body is good, but then the perching part is a bit odd. Having the parrot perch in a circle will definitely look better than a suspended stick.

And then Molly wanted lap I reached for this parrot puzzle that I thought I could use on a stressed out day when I was running out of time...but is it really a good start for day one?

Meanwhile, Buddy is taking the name "Frolic" quite literally and has spread pieces of the quilt all the way out into the kitchen. I don't know if this reflects artistic differences with Bonnie Hunter or just that Buddy was hungry. In any case, I am going to encase the quilt parts in a plastic box and rename it "Agree to Disagree, Let's Snack" and move on.


Barbara said...

Did you see the macaw made from an old tire I found here in the RV park? It was a purremonition of your month right here in So.Cal.

Katie said...

I have many quilts that could be titled "Agree to Disagree" with something following. It may be food related, needing attention, or simply just design preferences, but rarely do I manage to lay out a whole quilt without "help." I'm absolutely positive you understand. And the parrot is cool.

gayle said...

Buddy want a cracker?

QuiltGranma said...
