Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Embroidery Thread Parrot

Here is a parrot made from embroidery thread...but not embroidered. What did I learn from this? First, Buddy thinks embroidery thread is a wonderful cat toy. Molly agrees with Buddy. Second, embroidery thread parrots are very difficult to make due to marauding kittens.

Second, I learned that the reason you often see parrots with shortened tails is because of marauding kittens.

We'll call this a closeup of the parrot, but the truth is that it no longer has a tail...


Sue SA said...

Fantastic art work, despite the marauding kittens!

gayle said...

So, a Manx parrot then.

Linda in Arkansas said...

LOL!! This is so cute/pretty. I love the idea.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

This parrot is so wonderfully colorful - you have a great set of colors of floss .

Janice Holton said...

You are one of the most creative and humorous bloggers I follow. Your adventures with your kitties just crack me up.

Julia G said...

LOVE the parrot! Especially how the paper bands intersperse some neutral color.

QuiltGranma said...

love your sense of humor, and your marauders. Are they (the parrots and the kitties) keeping you from your quilt making?

Dolores said...

Gosh, it looks like you're really having fun with these.