Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Mystery Modified

 Last week I was showing my progress with the Bonnie Hunter mystery and I presented these blocks. Now let's play the brain game...how are they different? Answer: The humungous purple triangles in the top block do not have the black flip corner. 

Here is the additional step that I am adding to Bonnie Hunter's mystery. We will call it the "How the Zombies Escaped" step. Happily, I only have to do this on three blocks because I had only managed to finish four of them. 

Also, I have a few new habits that I am working on this year.  One is to have a set bed time of 10pm. I blew through that last night because the battery in my sewing room clock died. So I have replaced that. The second habit I am working on is having a blog post everyday. So today I am going to go looking for the blogging battery and replace it. It's probably somewhere under all the 2021 widgets.


gayle said...

I think someone stole my blogging batteries.
And they took my brain batteries, too...

julieQ said...

OH how fun with the dark background...awesome!!! Someone stole my brain too, Gayle, not just the batteries!

Lizzy D said...

I am a new reader, I enjoy your blog so I am looking forward to you finding your blogging widget. 10 PM, I haven't gone to bed at 10 PM since is was 6 or 7. No wonder I can't wake up pre dawn like many seem to do.
lizzy gone to the beach...

Turid said...

Great change. And oh, I didn't know about a blogging battery. Please send one to me, but only if it's working well. I don't need a clock, or battery, in my sewing room. I work best after 10 pm.

Beth Strand said...

Oh my goodness, that bedtime thing always gets me! I'll tell myself I'm going to bed at 10 only to look up and it's 12 already! Let me know where you get the blogging battery...I need to order one right away.

Cathy said...

Having gotten up all my working life at o’dark thirty, I feel no pressure (except Alfie climbing on me) to get up early. Alfie is our alarm cat and he’s set to 8am. Therefore I can easily stay up until 11:30-ish and still get in my 7.5-8 hours of nightly sleep. My blogging isn’t powered by batteries, but instead by natural forces (hot air?) Rather like Old Faithful (hourly eruptions), my blog erupts weekly.

Cathy said...

Looking forward to that blog battery change and daily posts.

I've always been an early to bed (8), early to rise (4) (and read for a couple of hours in bed in between) kind of girl. So far I've benefited with only the healthy part of Ben's quote although I suppose there are different kinds of wealth I could claim.