Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Project Quilt Continues

 And why would anyone make a four patch if they could have an hourglass block instead? As a reminder, one can lay two four patches on top of each other (dark to light and vice versa), sew a quarter inch seam around the periphery, then cut the diagonals. Press and clean away the dog ears and weird bits. In theory, these hourglass blocks are 4 inches square.

And that's when everything when sideways. Buddy stepped in for Tim Gunn (formerly of Project Runway) and gave me an evaluation...BORING! Then Buddy said that I had to make a quilt from the scraps of the first version...

As I made the four patches, I had extra slices. If I sewed these together as before, the colors got scrambled.  Let's call these fractured shards. 


Cathy said...

Buddy might not be as exciting a commentator as Tim Gunn, but he’s sure cuter. I am really liking those fractured shards.

julieQ said...

I just love your little commentator there!

Linda M said...

Love the kitty!! Keep in mind that your method of doing hour glass units will leave all bias edges around the outside.

gayle said...

I like the fractured shards, but it sure is hard to say...