Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Blog Correction

 Molly insists on correcting the blatant disinformation spread in yesterday's post. Buddy's only affiliation with quilting stems from familial links to power.

Molly grew up scrappy...

yet took the seat of power at a very young age.

She continues to oversee her quilting empire with only one staff member.

Molly has had long, in-depth conversations with famous quilters such as Bonnie Hunter.

She also holds the Guiness record for longest design wall free hang and...

also holds the world record for the most design wall summits in a year.

But Molly may be most notorious for her contribution to the layering of this two-sided (reversible) quilt. After quilting, the holes will be covered with appliqué. 

Molly completed a solitary deep dive between the layers of this quilt bringing her head out of one of the holes while defying ear-splitting screams of an onlooker. Some idiot decided to use a wool batt despite knowing Molly's unrelenting affection for wool.

We are sorry for anyone being led to think that Buddy does anything other than fill space and we will strive to do better in the future.


Quilter Kathy said...

These photos are a riot! Especially love the intense conversation that Molly had with Bonnie!!

cbott said...

I can imagine the screams.

gayle said...

I was holding it together until I got to "while defying ear-splitting screams of an onlooker" at which point I became the poster girl for "roflmao"!

Vireya said...

Thanks for the giggle!

MissPat said...

Thanks, Molly, for a few good chuckles. It's a good thing you're there to keep the world moving in the right direction.

Julia Graves said...

Molly is so multitalented!

Pamela Dempsey said...

Yes, Molly obviously is the true quilter here! 😻😻😻🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰So beautiful as well!!!

QuilterLaura said...

Sooo adorable! You go Molly!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Molly seems to rule the quilt roost. I have to keep quilts on my design wall or I will find Rosie dangling from the top. I have to remember that about wool batting as Rosie runs off with batting scraps and shreds them.