Friday, November 10, 2023


Today was the first day of a beginners' tapestry weaving class. Of course, the first part of the day was warping the loom (which in this case is made from copper pipe). Then we worked on using more than one color and tomorrow I think we work on shapes. 

And Buddy being Buddy, when I got home, he had moved the opossum stuffed toy to where I had been sitting before I left for the class. Tonight he will either bring it into the bedroom or take it to his food dish. 


Quilter Kathy said...

Oh I have always wanted to try this! Have fun!

gayle said...

Has he named the possum Sally?
Your weaving looks like fun! Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I wove in my 20s. I was very slow. I can't imagine the kitty kids with this project around.