Thursday, November 2, 2023

Quilt Progress Microdosing

 Although this is quite a small amount of sewing to accomplish in a day, these are the extra bits that I need to fill out the borders for the seahorses. I determined how I want the diamonds to fit in the border and the number I need for each side. Then the border between the seahorses and the diamonds will just be the amount I need to make the diamonds fit. So just an annoying task was holding up that quilt.

I've enjoyed seeing the fabric giveaway requests come in. I had forgotten that Bonnie Hunter announces the colors for her mystery around this time. So I went to see where the mystery is heading this year. Indigo! I have a couple of official pieces (lower left) but they are lighter than what is called for. Dark blue batiks may help out. The three prints in the upper right corner are prints that we'll call faux indigo. And then everything else on the right hand side are basically dark blue/navy flat folds. There are still the quarter to half yard cuts to investigate.. 


Linda Swanekamp said...

That is one heck of lot of little sewing. The blue batik is just such a perfect foil for the bright colors.

Dawn Sharafi said...

Love your choice of fabrics! Molly can pick the fabrics you would like to give away. I trust her judgment.