Monday, November 6, 2023


 Here are the strip pairings I made for the ten remaining checkerboards. I thought I might be showing hexies because the power went out about 3 minutes after I got up. And I failed to understand the full impact of this tragedy until Molly and Buddy began to stir from their heated beds that were no longer heated.

But why listen about cat tragedies when you can be running over to Gayle's blog Mangofeet. Go here to see quilts in progress and get ideas for new quilts:


Anonymous said...

Thank You for waking her up
Dorothy idaho-kcatcenturylinkdotnet

Linda Swanekamp said...

I love all those wonderful squares! So happy together. Rosie does not know about heated beds and I intend for that to stay that way.

gayle said...

Alright, alright! I'm awake!

We had four power outages last night, each lasting from 2 to 15 minutes, and just enough time between to get my computer rebooted and reset the clocks. Argh.