Friday, November 24, 2023


Today Buddy accomplished more than I did. 

I did have a major "unaccomplishment." Following along with the post Thanksgiving interest in Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Challenge, I checked out the first part and then checked out of the challenge. I had hoped to use scraps but the first task uses hunks of fabric too large for my scrap bins. And since I haven't cleared up the remnants from the Gridlock quilt, I'm not going to dig out and cut from my regular stash.

So I'm going to join other spectators on the bench and cheer everyone else on. Meanwhile, I am continuing with another challenge of getting all my fabric put away by Sunday night. Or maybe the New Year?


gayle said...

I'm going to get a start on the Bonnie mystery when I get home from visiting family. I'm in the process of making two other blue quilts, so my cutting mat is covered in blues anyway, so...

cbott said...

While I enjoy reading Bonnie's blog and get several good pointers and inspirations along the way (her Scrap Users System was a revelation), when it comes time for the Mystery Quilts I'm always reminded of my one visit to the Sisters Quilt Show in Oregon. There was a section of Bonnie Hunter-inspired quilts and they all looked identical!

I wondered then as I wonder now: what's the point of making something that everyone else is making? Where's the creativity and individuality in that?


Pamela Dempsey said...

I agree 😻