Monday, October 30, 2023


 I spent most of the day out fighting blackberry bushes intent on taking over my yard and then the planet. You're welcome. I also took strip sets and cut them into two patches. So here is what I can for my effort...the last Gridlock Block and six 2X6 sets.

And here is the other accomplishment of the day...neglecting poor Molly Kitten (emeritus). And the only thing that annoys Molly more than not getting enough attention is getting attention from me when she doesn't want it.


Quilting Babcia said...

The dreaded Himalayan blackberries I presume! They threatened to take over our entire property when we lived in Yamhill County, having swallowed up the entire 5 acre lot just above ours. No amount of picking and jamming could keep them at bay, though the jams were very tasty.

gayle said...

I'm surprised you and Buddy weren't both turned to jelly after That Look.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Wow, she can really make a stink eye. Thanks for saving me from the blackberries. Rosie's day was laying on every piece of fabric as it was ironed. She sucked the heat out of every piece as much as possible.

Laura H. said...

Not what you intended, but Ooo, that photo hit home. I’ve made that exact expression a time or two. What a good visual! Thanks!

Susan said...

Congratulations on your attempt to eradicate the blackberries. Molly will get over it.