Saturday, October 14, 2023

Second Day of Gridlock

Another day, another Gridlock block. They are definitely fun to make because most of the time is spent fondling fabric and playing around color and print. The sewing part is relatively easy because its just sewing strips. I am using a 9 inch finished block size so the sections (top strip set, middle strip set, and bottom strip set) each finish at 3 inches. If you want three even strips that's three 1 inch finished strips, that is, cut three 1.5 inch strips. The bottom section has two 1.5 inch strips unfinished...that is, each cut at two inches. And. yes, I have a cheat sheet so I only had to use my brain once.


Julierose said...

I just LOVE this one, QDJulie;))) Great fabric pairings: that multi-dotted one with the lime green works so well paired with the B&W's!! You have such a good eye;000!!
hugs, Julierose

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The Gridlock blocks are so much fun. I don't dare let myself make another block or I'll be off to making a big quilt again.

Linda Swanekamp said...

The fabrics are so textural and wonderful. Every block is a little masterpiece.

gayle said...

I'm a big fan of cheat sheets! That way I can save brain usage for important things like where did I set that cup of tea I just made...