Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Rabbit Hole Encore

Sometimes when you are offered a new rabbit hole, its best to just close your eyes and hold on. Of course, once you're in the rabbit hole, do open your eyes again...or your brother will have eaten all your treats.

Here Bridget Steel-Jessop uses vintage linens to make a map that is stunning (the example is midway through the article):

And while Yvette Philips says her work is all about vintage fabrics, I think the embroidery might have a little something to do with how wonderful it is:

And why am I showing you individual articles when you can wonder the third largest rabbit hole on your own...and enjoy your gap...


Linda Swanekamp said...

I have to stay off the biggest rabbit hole for me- Pinterest. I have no self control there- just one more, just one more. I even have a collection of cat cartoons from there. Since my hand stitching is pretty pitiful, I don't get sucked in by those wonderful links you posted.

gayle said...

Oh, hey, thanks - I didn't have anything I wanted to get done for the next couple of weeks or so...
Looks like I'd better pack a lunch, though.