Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Keeping it simple

On a recent trip to the hardware store, I saw small hexagon bathroom black and white. Of course, I thought penguins! But no, I didn't want to get tile hexies just to make a penguin...especially when I have so much fabric at home. Then I kept thinking about it...with the tile hexies, it would have been just a quick arrangement of the tiles...and did I really want to make black and white hexies just to make another version of a pixelated penguin. Hexie No! Did I want to rummage around in my fabric to find all the versions of penguins I have...sure...but I too am surprised at how few I have.

However, the hexie penguins are appropriate for another reason...tomorrow is the day for picking the next bird of the month. I will continue with penguins until the end of January, but I did want to give my brain a bit of advanced notice of what is to come for February...


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...


Barbara said...

Cute. If someone has birds on the brain, does that make them a bird brain? Some kitties with inquiring minds would like to know.

Linda in Arkansas said...

How Adorable! It's been a blast coming here and seeing the penguins. will you decide on the next bird. Maybe a vote - although I don't even know what I would vote for, blue jays, mockingbirds, robins? Yeah, that's it cute little robins with their red breasts.

Sue SA said...

The penguin hexis are adorable and I have really enjoyed seeing them each day!

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Oh I didn't realize the birds will be changing. I vote for cardinals.

gayle said...

I'm going to miss the penguins - I've been loving them so!

Julia G said...

Wow - has it been a month already? I have been amazed with your creativity in creating a different penguin each day from so many different media. Great job!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I've enjoyed your penguins. I'm looking forward to knowing what the February bird will be. I definitely have birds on the brain. When my daughter visits she gets so mad at me if I watch the feeders while she is talking. Sadly the birds are more interesting, lol.
xx, Carol

QuiltGranma said...

Wow, that is a lot more penguin fabrics than I have!

QuiltGranma said...

LOL! I so agree if she is as talkative as mine. If hubby were to ask what she said, I'd likely reply, "a whole lot of nothing".